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Deposit and withdrawal are available at any time but, if you are a new user of ours you must use your bitcoin wallet to receive bitcoin from external wallets into this wallet to create a transaction history by activating it, once you deposit you will receive in your wallet immediately. you need to do this because your funds were received for monetization through one this virtual funds IGP, BGP, IWP, GP, NGP, GAP, ETC. The available amount is shown in your dashboard on the main page.

You can see this anytime on your accounts dashboard. You can see this anytime on your accounts dashboard immediately after your deposit.

Visit the password reset page, type in your email address, and click the `Reset` button. or click here

You will get an automatic notification once you placed a withdrawal request we approve the funds immediately once you have activated your account and you can always check your transactions or account balance. Your chosen payment system dictates how long it will take for the funds to reach you through your bitcoin wallet.

As a new user of our platform, you can only withdraw 0.0004063 BTC which is a one-time withdrawal from your account after your KYC approval, you are required to prove to us that you are a regular user of ours by creating an active bitcoin transaction history in your wallet, meaning you need to buy bitcoins from, or any other platform you can buy bitcoins from, make a deposit ( send /receive ) transaction of 0.2BTC only into your blockchain core wallet so your wallet can be activated for withdrawals, after this, you will have unlimited access to withdraw all your funds/BTC from your account, you will confirm your first withdrawal to confirm that blockchain core is active and has been and will always remain the only payment gateway for all virtual currencies. NB: the amount required for the deposit is not a fee, you are making a deposit into your bitcoin wallet and you will receive this amount into your account this must be done before withdrawals can be approved this is to prove to us that you're not only here to monetize your funds but also you are also a regular user of our services. Follow the steps below to proceed in creating a transaction history in your blockchain core wallet, request for your wallet address >copy it then make a deposit from an external wallet from which you bought bitcoin and make a deposit into your blockchain core wallet address. Once this is done, then you can transfer all your BTC to your default wallet immediately and unconditionally, max transaction per day 100BTC contact support live chat here for more details...

Monetize Virtual Funds

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